
Pat Parker

Don't let the fascist speak

"Don't let the fascist speak." 
"We want to hear what they have to say." 
"Keep them out of the classroom." 
"Everybody is entitled to freedom of speech." 

I am a child of America 
a step child 
        raised in the back room 
yet taught 
        taught how to act 
in her front room 
my mind jumps 
the voices of students 
insults       threats 
"Let the Nazis speak." 
"Let the Nazis speak." 
Everyone is entitled 
        to speak 
I sit a greasy-legged 
        Black child 
in a Black school 
in the Black part of town 
look to a Black teacher 
the bill of rights 
us all the right 
        my mind 
remembers       chants 
article I       article I 
& my innards churn 
they remember 
the Black teacher 
in the Black school 
in the Black part 
of the very white town 
who stopped us 
when we attacked 
the puppet principal 
the white Board 
of mis-Education 
cast-off books 
illustrated with 
cartoons and 
words of wisdom 
written by white 
children in the 
other part of town 
missing pages 
of hanging niggers - 
the bill of rights 
was written to 

my mind remembers 
& my innards churn 
conjure images 
break up 
illegal demonstrations 
illegal assemblies 
        conjure image 
of a Black Panther 
"if tricky Dick 
tries to stop us 
we'll stop him." 
        conjure image 
of that same Black man 
going to jail 
for threatening 
the life of 
every citizen 
is entitled to 
freedom of speech 
my mind remembers 
& my innards churn 
conjure images 
of jews in camps - 
of homosexuals in camps - 
of socialists in camps - 
"Let the Nazis speak." 
"Let the Nazis speak." 
        faces in a college 
"You're being fascist too." 
"We want to hear what 
they have to say." 

 faces in 
a college classroom 
young white faces 
        speak let them speak 
speak let them speak 
Blacks jews some whites 
seize the bull horn 
"We don't want to hear 
your socialist rhetoric" 
        socialist rhetoric 
the supreme court 
says it is illegal 
to scream fire 
in a crowded theatre 

to scream fire 
in a crowded theatre 
cause people to panic 
to run to hurt each other 
my mind remembers 
& now i know 
what my innards 
illegal to cause 
to panic 
to run 
to hurt 
there is 
no contradiction 
what the Nazis say 
will cause 
        to hurt 